Become part of the change
Our new campaign for Triodos Bank has been running since the middle of the year. This time the focus is on the GrünesGiro™. Now a registered brand name that we created as part of the new campaign.
Bank advertising always fights against mistrust. Most actors believe that trust can be gained through daring promises of profit and security. Not to mention greenwashing.
“Do you see it too?” picks up the audience for a new view of banking and what it can do for sustainability and change in the economy. A sensual address that focuses on responsibility and belief in a green future.
Triodos Bank is a leading sustainability bank in Europe and meets the strictest requirements for sustainable banking with top marks. More
The campaign focuses on print ads, city lights, billboards, motion visuals, banner ads and social media posts in and around metropol areas.
In charge @ PepperClub: Sven Ruhs, Andrea Burk, Tanju Housein, @ Triodos Bank Jan Miller, Head of Marketing, Tobias Frink, Senior Marketing Manager and Highlight Berlin Post Production